Clare Jarmy on GCSE reform

Academic & Curriculum, Bedales Senior

In an article published by Independent School Management Plus, Bedales Senior Assistant Head (Learning & Development) Clare Jarmy makes the case for schools to move away from their reliance on GCSEs - just as Bedales did when the school introduced Bedales Assessed Courses (BACs).

Pointing to Bedales' decision to introduce BACs to offer a more holistic education which better prepares students for A Levels and beyond, Clare argues that the traditional GCSE system is too rigid, often stifling students' ability and limiting their educational experience. In contrast, BACs offer a two-year course with continuous assessment, which allows teachers to tailor the syllabus to current events and students' interests.

Clare also highlights that this innovative model is catching the attention of educational experts and policymakers, including the chair of Pearson UK and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Schools, Learning and Assessment. Bedales' educational philosophy has also been bolstered by studies from external bodies, including the Independent Schools Inspectorate and Research Schools International affiliated with Harvard's Graduate School of Education.

Revealing that Bedales is exploring the possibility of reducing the number of GCSEs further, Clare calls for more schools to consider similar approaches, emphasising that they are "often far freer than they realise" to innovate. 

Read the full article here.

Independent School Management Plus | Clare Jarmy | Bedales Assessed Courses