A typical day at Bedales Prep varies for Groups (Years 4-6) and Blocks (Years 7-8) students.
Blocks (Years 7-8)
Blocks students begin the day at 8.20am, with morning registration with their tutor. On Mondays and Thursdays, registration is followed by an assembly. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, students have extended time with their tutor, who is responsible for monitoring all aspects of their development, whether pastoral, social or academic.
Lessons begin at 8.50am, and there are three 35-minute periods before a 20-minute break at 10.40am, followed by a further three periods. Students eat lunch in the school’s dining room, JBs, at 1.05pm. After lunch, lessons resume at 2pm and continue until 5.30pm, with another 20-minute break at 4.10pm. After school, students can take part in activities.
On Wednesdays, students who aren’t representing the School in a sports fixture or undertaking community service can go home at 2pm. On Fridays, lessons finish at 3.35pm, followed by an assembly – known as ‘Jaw’ – until 4.30pm.
Time | Activity |
08.15 | Tutor bases open |
08.20 - 08.30 | Morning registration with tutor |
08.30 - 08.50 | Mondays/Thursdays - Assembly Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Fridays - With tutor |
08.50 - 09.25 | Period 1 |
09.25 - 10.00 | Period 2 |
10.05 - 10.40 | Period 3 |
10.40 - 11 | Break |
11.00 - 11.35 | Period 4 |
11.40 - 12.15 | Period 5 |
12.15 - 12.50pm | Period 6 |
12.50 - 13.05 | Afternoon registration with tutor and reading |
13.05 - 14.00 |
Lunch On Wednesdays, pupils may go home at 2pm if they are not representing the school in a fixture or undertaking community service. |
14.00 - 14.30 | Period 7 |
14.30 - 15.00 | Period 8 |
15.05 - 15.35 | Period 9 |
15.40 - 16.10 |
Period 10 On Fridays, JAW runs in this slot until 4.30pm. |
16.10 - 16.30 | Break |
16.30 - 17.00 | Period 11 (not on Fridays - boarders' activity) |
17.00 - 17.30 | Period 12 (not on Fridays - boarders' activity) |
Groups (Years 4-6)
Groups pupils begin the day at 8.20am with their class teacher. On Mondays and Thursdays, this is followed by an assembly. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, pupils have time with their tutor, who is responsible for monitoring all aspects of their development, whether pastoral, social or academic.
Lessons begin at 8.50am, and there are three 35-minute periods before a 20-minute break at 10.40am, followed by a further three periods. Pupils eat lunch in the school’s dining room, JBs, at 12.50pm. After eating, pupils can read independently, see their tutor, spend time in the library or enjoy an extended lunchbreak. Lessons resume at 2pm and continue until 4.10pm, followed by a check-in with their tutors at the end of the day.
Time | Activity |
08.15 | Classrooms open |
08.20 - 08.30 | With class teacher |
08.30 - 08.50 |
Mondays/Thursdays: Assembly Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Fridays: Tutor Time |
08.50 - 09.25 | Period 1 |
09.25 - 10.00 | Period 2 |
10.05 - 10.40 | Period 3 |
10.40 - 11.00 | Break |
11.00 - 11.35 | Period 4 |
11.40 - 12.15 | Period 5 |
12.15 - 12.50 | Period 6 |
12.50 - 13.40 |
Lunch On Wednesdays, pupils may go home at 14.00 if they are not representing the school in a fixture. They can also stay at school for a 'Green' until 14.45, when the day ends for them all. Activities are available until 17.30. |
13.40 - 14.00 |
Mondays: Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Time Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays: Tutor, Reading or Library Time Wednesdays: Extended lunchbreak/preparing for fixtures |
14.00 - 14.30 | Period 7 |
14.30 - 15.00 | Period 8 |
15.05 - 15.35 | Period 9 |
15.40 - 16.10 |
Period 10 On Fridays, JAW runs in this slot until 16.30. |
16.10 - 16.15 |
Tutor base check in On Fridays, JAW runs in this slot until 16.30. |
16.10 - 16.30 | Break |
16.30 - 17.30 | Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays: Homely Time for boarders/activities |
17.30 | Supper |

We have two assemblies every week. This is a lovely time when the whole school come together in the Well. Staff and pupils take assemblies and share personal stories or topical events. Pupils sign up to ‘host’ an assembly. Head of Dunhurst Colin Baty takes the Monday assembly to set the tone for the week and to reflect on the week that has passed.
Wednesday afternoons
Wednesday afternoons are set aside for matches against other schools. Parents are always welcome to come and support their child and enjoy a delicious match tea with other parents and staff.
If not in a match, pupils in the Groups (Years 4-6) can go home or stay at school for a 'Green' - Dunhurst lingo for a lesson slot which can be used for prep or the scheduling of individual classes such as individual dance, music or learning support - until 2.45pm. If pupils need to stay later, activities are available until 5.30pm.
For pupils in the Blocks (Years 7-8), if not involved in matches, there are organised activities at school. The majority of pupils choose to stay in school where they can relax at the school's Scoffs Café, sign up to Community Service, catch up on work or supervised music practice.